
Mexicans on la tele

After five years ABC has decided to say adios to the popular television series, George Lopez. Lopez had a list of rants for ABC president Steve McPherson--some that even had to be excluded from publication, reports Los Angeles Times writer
Maria Elena Fernandez.

It could quite possibly be because I, myself, am Mexican but George Lopez created a sense of community among Hispanic people through television. Honestly, I can't think of any other television show that directly portrays the traditional Hispanic/Chicano family. It's terrible that his show has been cancelled. Now the only way we see Hispanics portrayed on sitcoms is when they are mentioned in a laughing manner.

George Lopez is to Hispanics what Bill Cosby is to African Americans--and all races can enjoy either show.

The best idea might be to create some sort of modern-day "Facts of Life" where many ethnic groups are covered. Of course, Blair, Tootie, Natalie, and Jo weren't Hispanic.

But I guess for today there's Ugly Betty and Mexican soap operas (which, by the way, are mucho mejor than any American soap opera).

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